
Preservation Age

Your date of birthMinimum age for getting your super benefits
After June 196460
1 July 1963 – 30 June 196459
1 July 1962 – 30 June 196358
1 July 1961 – 30 June 196257
1 July 1960 – 30 June 196156
Before 1 July 196055

Accessing your Super

Reaching preservation age is when a Member of the Fund can legally access the benefits in the SMSF. You can access your Superannuation balance when:

  • You reach preservation age and retire permanently from the workforce 
  • You turned 65 but not retired
  • You satisfy the Transition to Retirement rules while continuing to work

Preservation age varies depending on your date of birth (see table above). When you reach 65 there are no cashing restrictions. Superannuation balances are available at any time once a Member retires.

Reaching preservation age

On reaching the age of 65 and retired, an SMSF Member can take all or just part of the balance tax free by starting an Account Based Pension. Alternatively, Members can take a Lump Sum Pension.

For more info regarding pensions and conditions of release for Members to access their fund, please see here.