SMSF Setup Costs and Fee Schedule

Our Fee Schedule at SMSF Warehouse

The fees and charges at Superannuation Warehouse are simple and low. Efficiency is our watchword. Our fees are a flat rate, irrespective of your SMSF balance or the number of transactions.

Our fee schedule:
  • SMSF set-up with individual Trustees – $450
  • SMSF set-up with a Corporate Trustee – $1,400
  • Monthly charge, Basic (Cash investment option) – $60 per month
  • Monthly charge, Advanced (any provider and investment option) – $100 per month
  • Monthly charge, Simple Fund 360 Online Access – $30 per month
  • PAYG Instalment, BAS, GST lodgement – $200 per statement
  • Corporate Trustee set-up – $950 one-off fee
  • Custodian Trustee set-up – $950 one-off fee
  • Existing SMSF take-on – $475 one-off fee
  • Trust Deed update – $350 one-off fee
  • Bare Trust set-up, when borrowing for an investment property – $950 one-off fee
  • Additional Bare Trust set-up – $950 one-off fee
  • Audit only (i.e. you handle your own accounting and tax) – $450 (or less, see the audit quote page)
  • Annual Fee for a Bare Trust and Corporate Trustee – NIL
  • Fee payable to ASIC for a Corporate Trustee – $63 annually from 1 July 2023
  • Super Levy Surcharge payable to the ATO – $259 per year
  • Actuarial Certificate – $280 (if you’re already in receipt of a pension and this is applicable)
  • To close down an SMSF – $250 one-off fee
  • ATO Specific advice – $280
  • Consulting fees – $280 per hour, phone and email or blog support is not charged for
  • Prepare a Pension Minute and lodge a TBAR report to the ATO – $350 per report
  • Update Trustee/Member details – $350 (including a Trust Deed update to reflect the new Trustee/Member details)
  • Rollover Statement preparation – $200
  • Crypto Investments – $350 (in addition to the monthly/annual fee)
  • Title search per property – $120 (in addition to the monthly/annual fee)
  • Valuation Report per property – $120 (in addition to the monthly/annual fee)
  • Scanning fees – $150
  • Complex Funds with limited supporting documents – $150
  • Amended Tax Returns – $350
  • Adjustment or questions raised due to incomplete supporting documents – $150

*Scanning: We require soft copies of all the supporting documents to make the accounting process efficient. However, in a circumstance where hard copies are provided, we will need to scan those in for accounting and audit purposes. We do not keep any hard copies in our premises.

Note on Fees

Fees are generally fixed, but if there’s incomplete information from Trustees and significant re-work on accounting matters by us, we will have to pass on this cost to the Trustee at the rate of $150/hr.

Fees are payable monthly in arrears. All fees include GST. There are no exit or penalty fees if you decide that you no longer want Superannuation Warehouse to take care of your SMSF.

Administration fees cover the annual preparation of accounts, tax return and audit (we appoint and pay the auditor). This is all you need to run your SMSF. The only possible additional expenses are items such as bank fees and brokerage charges.

If your SMSF is set up on the 12th of the month, we will set up a debit order to be deducted from the SMSF’s bank account on the 12th of every month. And don’t worry, we perfectly understand and take into account the fact that it can take some time to get a bank account set up and funds rolled over from your existing Superannuation Fund to the SMSF.

What do we expect from you?

  1. When contributing to your SMSF, make sure you keep track of how much each member contributes.
  2. Supply us with all your accounting information at the end of the financial year.
  3. The best way to send files to us is via email.
  4. We prefer soft copy files because it minimises the need to re-key the data where there are high volumes. When there are only a few transactions a year, working with paper copies makes little difference. However, when there are copious pages of transactions, soft copy formats allow us to work much more efficiently.

As a complete administration service, we will supply you with the following documents for your SMSF at the end of the financial year: Financial Statements, Member Benefit Statements, Tax Calculation and a Tax Return as well as Trustee Minutes for the year.

Costs in an SMSF

Retail super funds usually charge their fees and costs before allocating earnings to members. When comparing returns of an SMSF, remember to compare the total earnings and total costs when benchmarking against a retail fund. See the following newspaper article on this subject.

SMSF Fees in comparison to a Retail Super Fund

Refund Policy

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our services and you want to request for a refund, please email us at As soon as we receive your email, one of our staff will contact you and assist you with the process.

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