
SMSF Providers

Superannuation Warehouse is a full service Self-managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) provider. We set up SMSFs under the instruction of Trustees and provide ongoing SMSF administration for those who want to take control of their superannuation and invest in assets of their choice.

Our setup and accounting service include:

  • Establishment of your SMSF including the Trust Deed
  • Arrangement of a TFN and ABN to be issued to the Fund
  • Preparation of end of year accounts – included in the fixed annual fee
  • Preparation and submission of the Fund’s tax return – included in the fixed annual fee
  • An audit of the Fund – included in the fixed annual fee

We will set up your SMSF under your instruction. This is a full service function and includes the issuing of your SMSF Trust Deed and the ABN for your Fund.

We charge a fixed fee of $1,200 for the annual accounting, audit and tax services. The fixed fee also covers the appointment of an external auditor to review your Fund.

The most common investment options that Trustees invest using their Super are:

  • Investment Property: Residential or Commercial – click here for more
  • Shares and/or Managed Funds
  • Fixed Term Deposits
  • Separate Managed Accounts

Make sure all assets your SMSF invest in are listed in the Investment Strategy of your Fund.